
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Call for guest post submissions!

We Are Like Your Child is seeking new guest post submissions for our main blog page!  While we have a team of regular contributors, we are always looking to share guest work and new perspectives!

WALYC is a group blog dedicated to countering the misunderstanding that autism/disability acceptance means pretending that our struggles and challenges aren’t real or significant.  This is where we talk about what our real challenges are, and how we strategize, problem solve, adapt, and work with them to build satisfying, sustainable lives as disabled people.  Our values are that it’s okay to be disabled, it’s okay to be disabled and like yourself, and that there are many different and valid ways to be “successful” as an autistic and disabled person that don’t involve “overcoming” autism, recovery, or indistinguishability.

Some possible topics include, but are by no means limited to:  Executive functioning, sleep issues, movement/motor planning challenges, sensory and auditory processing issues, navigating relationships, sexuality, gender, parenthood, higher education, or employment as an autistic person, issues with seeking healthcare; code-switching, scripting, and other ways of navigating language, AAC, meltdown prevention/recovery, strategies for academic success and seeking formal or informal accommodations, housing issues, financial issues, autism and pregnancy/childbirth, etc.

-Author must be autistic or disabled, and writing about your own experiences

-We are especially interested in sharing the work of autistic people of color, non-speaking people and AAC users

-Guest posts are uncompensated at this time; WALYC is an all-volunteer collaboration.

-Submissions should be e-mailed as a Word attachment to, or to the inbox of our Facebook page, with a short note introducing yourself.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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